Saturday, December 18, 2010

No More

With the rising ray
Beginning my day
Open my eyes
With a smile
Feeling you there
Sleeping by my side

With the stars twinkling
Moon shining
I lie alone gazing
Suddenly, a curve blends
And I smile
When in no time
I find myself
By your side

I hear, that laughter
Those chuckles and giggles
And with them
The reality whispers
Sleep my love
For I am gone
No more there
To spend and share

I then freeze
Mind just shuts
Holding myself tight
I sleep away past
And thus pass the night

The day again
Hits my face
I take up tasks
With a smiley mask
Waiting for it to end
And meet you again.


Questions, queries
Answers, replies
Expectations, realisations

If that’s what you want,
If that’s what is needed,
If that’s what,
The time is asking for?

Are you alright?
If that’s what, you need,
For a question……

Certainly, it feels miserable,
If that’s what, you want,
As an answer……

Shrunk into the depths,
The depths of guilt
If that’s where, you expect,
Me to be

The sound of silence,
If that’s what, you want
Me to hear

Infinite darkness,
If that’s what, you want
Me to see

Lips zipped, hands tied,
Cursed, shaken by you
I lay beside,
Agonised, praying,
To my dreams, whispering

I know you,
You share the same,
Then why?
Why this pain?
This trouble?

Let the cloud burst
Pour out the rain
Make that old sound
Making each second
A memory profound.

---- This piece of writing is a joint venture of aadi and myself.
thanks a tonne aadi for getting me to this :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Bitter-Sweet

In the beginning,
The story still began_____

No past, no future,
Just a present,
The gifted moment.

Blazing brilliance,
Silvery radiance.
Living two lives,
Living it wise.

Twinkling stars,
Morning rays,
Evenings, noon,
Merged soon.

Watered innocence,
Fragrant freshness,
Blossomed each night.
The suppressed child,
Grew with each fight.

Few ups and
Few downs
Hung ups – Tie ups,
They still moved on.
Living two lives,
Living it wise
No past, no future,
Just a present, present.

Learning, discovering,
Realising, transforming,
Confused, tired,
Exhausted, retired.

The whisky, whispers,
The silent murmurs.
Holding close,
Holding tight,
Pulling down,
Drenched and drowned.

To sway again,
In the pouring rain,
the rising ray.
In the second part,
Living better half.

Spreading the joy,
Living contended.
Savouring all,
Especially, the unintended.

No past, no future,
Just a present, present.
Living two lives,
Living it wise.
Dwelling in time,
Time that ripened,
Slipped off the hands
Alike dry sand.

Unsaid, said,
Undone, done.
Living two lives,
Flocked and flew.

A new beginning

Sunday, December 12, 2010

हूँ यहाँ , हूँ वहां...........

सारा सन्नाटा 
खुद में समेंटे 
जी रही हूँ यहाँ,

एक हंसी लेके 
उन पलों के सहारे 
जी रही हूँ ,

जी रही हूँ,
यहाँ , हूँ वहां,

उन पलों में ,
समेंटे थे ख्वाब ,
वोह खुशियाँ,
उन पलों की सच्चाई,
किसी पल का अरमान था,

याद नहीं आती,
उन्ही में यहाँ
मै जी रही हूँ,

दर्द होता है,
जब दूर-----
टिमटिमाते तारों में,
खुद को नहीं पाती हूँ,

इंतज़ार है एक बार,
फिर से उस बहार का
युहीं समय काट रही हूँ,
हूँ यहाँ ,
हूँ वहां.