Tuesday, May 21, 2013

coffee with soul

a founder of the pearl, 
after 100 shells are empty
quenching the thirst. after the drought
a pleasant smile to an orphan
with honest heart.
first successful poetry
after many disgrace
to a poet.
a feeling emerging out of an emotion
in a moment.
i name it 'pulse'

--by aankita

a Quest…

Tides – ebbs
Chaos – peace
Birth – life – death
Happiness – sorrows
Start – the End
A life – to live

Live happily
Happily ever after
Decisions ours
Actions ours
Striving to accomplish
Each other is ‘Us’

Love is what drives the journey
Journey towards bliss
On the way found 100 shells
All beautiful – all empty
Hope kept the spirits high

Traveller just then found a pearl
A feeling of contentment
As though the thirst was quenched

A feeling of pause
As though everything was still
Time stopped
Pulse felt across the body

Happiness floating in the air
Kissing all over
Whispering in the ears
Of colourful future

Future that we would make
With decisions ours
Actions ours
Accomplished blessed ‘Us’
‘We are Our’s’

-- rewritten by me

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