Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Fool…..ME

Oh take me away….
Oh take me not…!!!
Grant me one last minute
Give me that one last chance.

To scribble the last few lines
To wrap up life in those handful words
May be to see how it feels
May be to see how she feels.

I know not the reasons
I got no excuse
Just one last wish
To wrap up life in
Those handful words.

Funny it seems, for
Funny the way it is
Who gives a damn
After I’m gone……

A few days of pain
A few showers of tears
A few years for the dearest
A life long loss for 
who gave me a Life…..

But then again….they hit me
They hit my mind
Beat my thoughts
And I sitting here
More lost than ever
Confused than anyone
Baffled questioning
Why this piece
Why that Last wish ?

Why that care?
Why you ?
Why that care For you?
Why not live for whom I owe
A Life…..where I met you…..

Why shiver and crave
For your arms around me
Than the touch of those
Fingers, that supported
and taught me to walk
Why do I miss you ?
the one Who made me fall
Than who made me stand
And look upto you….

More lost than ever
Confused than anyone
Baffled questioning
Why this piece
Why that Last wish ?
I sit here…
Beating my thoughts
Hitting my mind
Altering my life
Changing my present.

Meeting her again
Seeing that smile
I smile too
But with a difference
Of Indifference
She hits …
But for a second
And once again I shake and smile
And say…..
What a fool…..
Fuck that last piece…..
I deserve it not….
Something she would never care for.
Nothing she ever cared for......!!!!

Shall pick you up soon
Oh words....
To bead you up 
Into a beauty
And not a wreath
For shaken i stand
From that dream
Caring the same way
But just for those
Where care for me prevails.

PS : One more feather to the cap.....original piece written by Adarsh.
cheers  Aaadiiii ....!!!!

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